Sunday, February 3, 2008


my usual sunday vice - chicken strips, they're usually veryy fulfilling, satisfying, you know - they hit the spot.
any other day but today. there was some bizzare after taste. it wasn't the usual oil at the roof of my mouth, reminding me how tasty cholesterol can be.
Geeze, my stomach feels like it's scratching my liver and kicking my spleeeen.

No moreeeee cheap chicken.

it hurts.

toooo much.

maybe it's all the candy I've eaten today also.

it could be the coffee I had for breakfast.

=/ today wasn't my foood day.

I feeel like POOO!!!!!

maybe that's what I need, a good mag. my ipod and a lock on the bathroom door.

push this joint.

purrrrrrge myself from the cheap delicacies.

I should've eaten those chalupas instead. =[


Carmela said...

i want chicken nuggets :D. i love you, yummmie!

Purp. said...

yep, chalupa probably would've been a MUCH better choice. lol.

hope you feel better. =)